Saturday, March 13, 2010

Scary Night

This past Friday night was a really scary night. Ava was at Nicole's parents house for the evening, my wife was at a scrapbooking party and I was home watching TV.

Just before 8PM Nicole's mom called and asked if I could watch Ava. Nicole, who was at work, appeared to be leaking amniotic fluid and needed to go to the emergency room as quickly as possible. Her mom would meet her there.

I said I'd certainly watch Ava and said we'd meet at the emergency room. Her mom and I arrived at about the same time and transfered Ava from one vehicle to the other. Then off the two of us went, passing Nicole as she arrived at the emergency room.

Ava and I had a good evening. Well actually her evening was better than mine. We stopped at Nicole's house on the way home. Let the dogs out, fed them and took care of a couple other things befoer heading home.

It was a long evening, not knowing what was happening at the hospital. Naturally I feared the worst and thought that Nicole might lose the baby. My wife and I went through the same thing many years ago but this would be different. I was there for my wife but Nicole's husband was 7000 miles from home and wouldn't be able to be at her side if the worst happened.

Nicole's mom called me while Ava was taking her bath and let me know that the second of two test came back negative for amniotic fluid. This was a good sign. The tear that allowed the fluid to leak had repaired itself. They wanted to keep her a little while longer to see if things were actually OK before letting her go.

I'm not sure how things like this work. I know that when I "tear" something it usually takes more than an hour or two to heal. But then again a bloody nose can stop bleeding within a few minutes. The human body is a remarkable thing and will go to great lengths to protect the unborn baby.

Ava probably sensed my uneasyiness because she didn't settle down to go to sleep. It was about 10:30PM when I heard a car in the driveway. It was Nicole coming to pick up Ava. I was so relieved to see her as she walked up the walk to the front door. As she came inside we hugged, I told her not to scare us like that anymore and all the while Ava is saying mama, mama.

We sat and talked for a bit, everyone releived that the evening had turned out good.

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